Multiquip SS233 manual Pump SaFeTY,  alWaYS keep the machine in proper running condition

Models: SS233

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Safety Information

pump SaFeTY


never operate the equipment in an explosive atmosphere or near combustible materials.An explosion or fi re could result causing severe bodily harm or even death.

neverusepumpforswimmingpooldewateringapplications. This can result in electrical shock or electrocution.


Accidental starting can cause severe injury or death. alWaYS place the ON/OFF switch in the OFF position.

do noT place hands or fingers inside pump when pump is running.

never disconnect any emergency or safety devices. These devices are intended for operator safety. Disconnection of these devices can cause severe injury, bodily harm or even death. Disconnection of any of these devices will void all warranties.


do noT restrict the fl ow of the discharge hose as it may cause overheating.

Be careful of discharge whipping under pressure.


alWaYS place the pump in an upright position on a platform before using.The platform will prevent the pump frowm burrowing itself on soft sand or mud.

never operate pump on its side.

do noT allow up to freeze in water.

never leave an open pump chamber unattended.

alWaYS keep the machine in proper running condition.

do noT attempt to thaw-out a frozen pump by using a torch or other source of fl ame. Application of heat in this manner may heat the oil in the seal cavity above the critical point, causing pump damage.

do noT pump water greater than 104º F.

do noT pump liquids containing acid or alkali.

alWaYS check strainer before pumping. Make sure strainer is not clogged. Remove any large objects, dirt or debris from the strainer to prevent clogging.

alWaYS use a large basket strainer when pumping water that contains large debris.

alWaYS fl ush pump (clean) after use when pumping water concentrated with heavy debris. It is very important to always fl ush the pump before turning it off to prevent clogging.

Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts immediately.

alWaYS store equipment properly when it is not being used. Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.

never lubricate components or attempt service on a running machine.

alWaYS allow the machine a proper amount of time to cool before servicing.

Keep machine in proper running condition. eleCTriCal SaFeTY


The electrical voltage required to operate pump can cause severe injury or even death through physical contact with live circuits. ALWAYS disconnect electrical power from pump before performing maintenance on pump.


alWaYS make certain that the voltage supplied to the pump is correct. Always read the pump’s nameplate to determine what the power requirements are.

page 6 — SS233 Submersible Pump • operation and parts manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)

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Multiquip SS233 manual Pump SaFeTY,  alWaYS keep the machine in proper running condition