Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
SGM can display detailed information about a selected signaling gateway mated pair, including its status, interface information, and other information.
Updates for the signaling gateway mated pair that are received from the SGM server are reflected automatically in this window.
To display detailed information for a signaling gateway mated pair, use one of the following procedures:
•Select Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane of the SGM Main Window,
•Select the turner beside Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane of the SGM Main Window, then select a signaling gateway mated pair.
SGM displays the Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window.
Detailed information for the selected signaling gateway mated pair is displayed in the left column, and for the adjacent signaling gateway mated pair in the right column.
The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window is composed of the following sections:
•Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details:
•Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Configuration Data, page
•Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Notes, page
•Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Recent Events, page
Related Topics:
•Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page
| Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide |
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