Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
| Viewing Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Information Using a Web Browser |
| The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Dashboard table contains the following |
| columns: |
Column | Description |
Server Name | Name of the SGM server associated with the signaling gateway mated pair. |
(in header) |
Update Interval | Time between automatic updates for the page. None means the page is not |
(in header) | automatically updated. |
Last Update | Date and time the information on the page was last updated by SGM. |
(in header) |
SGMP | Signaling gateway mated pairs discovered by SGM. |
| You can sort the table based on the information in the SGMP column. See the |
| “Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns” section on page |
| details. |
Displays messages associated with a given signaling gateway mated pair. To see |
| |
Messages | status change messages and SNMP trap messages associated with the signaling |
| gateway mated pair, click Messages. |
Displays metrics associated with a given signaling gateway mated pair. To see |
| |
Metrics | network status metrics associated with the signaling gateway mated pair, click |
| Metrics. |
Displays detailed interface information for a given signaling gateway mated pair. |
| |
Interface Details | To see interface information for the signaling gateway mated pair, click |
| Interface Details. |
| This field is displayed only if the selected signaling gateway mated pair is not a |
| virtual signaling gateway mated pair, has a status of Active or Warning, and is |
| connected to an ITP device. |
Displays detailed SCTP association information for a given signaling gateway |
| |
SCTP Association | mated pair. To see SCTP association information for the signaling gateway mated |
Details | pair, click SCTP Association Details. |
| This field is displayed only if the selected signaling gateway mated pair is not a |
| virtual signaling gateway mated pair, has a status of Active or Warning, and is |
| connected to an ITP device. |
| Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide |
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