Performing a system reset from the front panel
The front panel reset is identical to the Esc zXXX SIS command (see chapter 4, “Serial Communications”) and the system reset that is available through the reset system (see “Reset selection box” earlier in this chapter). But the front panel reset does not require a connected computer or a connected monitor to view the on- screen displays.
A system reset returns the output rate selection to the XGA, 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz, setting; resets the picture controls to their default values; sets all input audio levels to 0 dB; and selects input 1.
Reset the switcher to the factory default settings by pressing and holding the Output Rate button while you apply AC power to the switcher (figure
Press and hold the Output Rate button while you apply power to the switcher.
After a brief delay, the switcher cycles all of the front panel
LEDs on and off from left to right and then back to the left.
Continue to hold the Output Rate button until the front panel cycle is complete.
Release the Output Rate button.
Figure 3-18 — Front panel system reset
Picture adjustments
The Picture Control buttons on the front panel and on the IR remote control provide shortcuts to the fine tuning adjustments for the selected input. All of these adjustments are also available using the main menu system. When you press one of the front panel or IR remote control picture control buttons, the
Shortcuts for the centering, sizing, brightness, contrast, color, and tint adjustments are available from the front panel and the IR remote control (figure