Serration pulse switch — This DIP
Gain/peaking adjustment — Output gain and peaking levels may be adjusted individually for red, green, and blue channels by using jumpers that are accessible inside the enclosure.
Sync polarity adjustment — Horizontal and vertical sync output can follow input sync polarity, or outgoing sync can be forced to negative, via a DIP switch.
Vertical sync pulse width adjustment — Vertical sync pulse width can be adjusted via a DIP switch.
Autopower — When a signal is present at the video/sync input, the interface will
power on, and the LED on the front panel lights green. When power is applied but no signal is present, the LED lights amber.
Stereo audio — Both interfaces accept unbalanced stereo audio and output balanced or unbalanced stereo audio.
RGB 500 AKM feature
Video input termination selection switch — A front panel toggle switch provides a way to switch between high Z (when a local monitor is connected) and 75 ohm (when no local monitor is connected) video input termination on these models.
RGB 560 AKM features
Local monitor output connector — A
ID bit termination switch — These models feature front panel DIP switches to make ID bit termination easy. Use this feature if no local monitor is connected.
Local monitor switches — DIP switches 7 and 8 are used for routing local monitor signals for Macintosh 13” monitors and all other