Rebuilding an Array:
Rebuilding is the process of restoring data to a hard drive from other drives in the array. Rebuilding applies only to
Turn off your computer and replace the failed hard drive with a new one. Restart your computer. While in the operating system, launch the NVIDIA Control Panel from All Programs in the Start Menu.
The rebuild is automatically performed after en- | The notification area will also display a |
tering the operating system. You can see the | message, indicating the rebuild progress. |
rebuild progress on the View Storage Con- |
figuration |
completed, the array status will display as |
Healthy. |
Manually rebuilding a hard drive:
Refer to the following instructions if you want to manually rebuild a hard drive in the array.
Step 1: | Step 2: |
In NVIDIA Control Panel, click Rebuild array | When the NVIDIA Rebuild Array Wizard appears, |
under Storage in the Select a Task pane. | follow the |
| the rebuilding. |
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