Freecom Classic SL Network Drive
15.I keep getting Autoplay when I plug in Classic SL Network Drive.
Create a blank text file in the root directory of your Classic SL Network Drive and name it "autorun.inf". Place this in the root directory of your Classic SL Network Drive drive letter in "My Computer."
16.I installed drivers for Windows 98SE and get disconnected when transferring large files.
Windows 98SE can only read FAT32 file systems. Unfortunately, FAT32 comes with a limitation on single large files transfers up to 4GB. This is a file system limitation. Please check our website for updates on the Win98SE drivers.
17.I click on my files and get "Access Denied." What should I do?
If you are using Windows XP Professional, open My
If you are using Windows XP Home (plug in via USB): Then restart and hold F8 during bootup to go into Safe Mode. Once in Safe Mode, please follow instructions below.
Windows 2000 Computers: Open "My Computer," right click on the Classic SL Network Drive drive letter and go to Properties.
Click on the Security Tab and then the Advanced button. If the Everyone group is missing, please add the group and give it Full Control permissions. Then click on the Owner tab and at the bottom, change the owner to Administrators. If you are asked to replace permissions on all subdirectories, say YES. You should now be able to access contents. This is related to the Operating System’s security features.
18.I keep getting "Internal Error; Update Failed." What does this mean?
Update to Classic SL Network Drive’s latest drivers to see if that fixes the problem. The Classic SL Network Drive Administrator may have started too early. Try removing it from your startup folder located at Start>Programs>Startup.
Then manually run the program to see if it still occurs.
19.Using Windows file sharing function, after reboot, share gets lost. Is there any work around?
Create a batch file and place it in your startup folder. To create batch file: Open Notepad application and type in "net share sharename=DriveLetter:path" (For example net share Classic SL Network Drive=F:). Save the file as a .bat extension (For example, "Classic SL Network Drive.bat").