Freecom Hard Drive Pro
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
| Issue | Solution |
| After I connected the Freecom Hard Drive | • InstalltheFreecomPersonalMediaSuite |
| Pro to my computer for the first time no | software and safely remove and recon- |
| Freecom SYNC folder has been created | nect the Freecom Hard Drive Pro |
| automatically. | • Followthe instructions onchapter5.4.2 |
| Creating a new SYNC folder. |
| After installation of Freecom Personal | • Connect the Freecom Hard Drive Pro |
| Media Suite, the message "No Freecom | to your computer. |
| Hard Drive Pro external hard drive found." | • Check all connections between the |
| appears. | Freecom Hard Drive Pro, the power |
| supply and the computer. |
| • Safely remove and reconnect the Free- |
| com Hard Drive Pro. |
| Files deleted in the SYNC folder are still | You have to "Split From Original" the files |
| appearing during the synchronization. | from their counterparts before you may |
| delete them. Please refer to chapter 5.4.11. |
| Handling deleted files. |
| An empty folder is not synchronized. | Empty folders are not taken into account |
| during synchronization. |
| If you are working with the program "Total | The SYNC folder is opened by another |
| Commander" and are using the "send to" | program.Pleasecloseallapplicationswhich |
| dialog to add items to the SYNC folder, the | are using the SYNC folder. |
| message "The briefcase is in use on another |
| computer" could appear. |
| Not enough memory on the target drive | Delete files on the target drive (Free- |
| (Freecom Hard Drive Pro) during creation | com Hard Drive Pro) or select less files. |
| of SYNC folder. |
| Notenoughmemoryonthetargetdrive(Free- | Delete files on the target drive (Freecom |
| com Hard Drive Pro) during synchronization. | Hard Drive Pro). |
| Data on the Freecom Hard Drive Pro can | Check with which file system the Freecom |
| be read, but not written. | HardDriveProwasformatted.OnlywithFAT |
| 32 data on the drive under different operat- |
| ing systems can be read and written. |
| There is no response when I press the | Make sure PMS is installed, make sure the |
| sync button. | device and computer are on. When con- |
| nected over eSATA in some cases the sync |
| button may not function due to a known |
| compatibilityissueoftheeSATAhost.Inthis |
| case the sync process can also be initiated |
| from the PMS by clicking“sync now”or you |
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| can use the USB 2.0 connection. |
| |