How does the Mac OS X interface work?
Users new to Mac OS X often have questions about how to carry out certain tasks. Your best source for Mac OS X information is Mac OS Help. You’ll find introductory explanations for new users, users switching from Windows computers, and users upgrading from Mac OS 9. Open Mac OS Help by choosing Help > Mac Help from the Help menu in the Finder menu bar at the top of your screen, and browse the new user information listed there. Many of the basic tasks users are interested in involve the Finder, so try searching for “Finder,” too.
How do I make my PowerBook battery last longer?
You can conserve battery power by using the Energy Saver preference pane to specify how quickly the computer should go to sleep or dim the display. Open System Preferences and click the Energy Saver icon. Choose settings that are optimized for your type of usage. Using peripheral devices, such as hard disk drives, that get power from your computer can also shorten the amount of time your battery lasts. You can conserve battery power by disconnecting such devices. You can also purchase an additional battery that you can switch into your computer when power gets low. For more information about conserving battery power, see
I put a disc in my optical drive, but nothing happened. How do I know if the disc is compatible with my optical drive?
Press the Media Eject ( ) key to eject the disc. Apple
Warning: Inserting a nonstandard disc into the optical drive may damage the drive.
How do I connect a monitor or TV to my PowerBook?
Your PowerBook comes with both a
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
You can reset your administrator password. See the instructions for resetting your password on page 59.
Appendix D Top Ten Questions