Network Connections 87 networking
two computers 34, 35 wireless 37
Network Setup Assistant 71, 89 numeric keypad 23
Num Lock key 7
optical drive 43 compatible discs 90 disc sizes supported 43
password 90 resetting 90
a video 44 CDs 43
plug AC 10
audio line in 9 Ethernet 9 external monitor 9 FireWire 9 headphone 9, 39
power adapter 21, 66 port 9
Power button 7, 14 PPPoE 74
configuration 81 connections 12, 74, 86
presentation mode (see display mirroring) 40 Print & Fax preferences 25
printing 25 setup 25
computer freezes 58 computer won’t respond 58 computer won’t turn on 59 display goes black 59 Internet connection 61, 86 pointer won’t move 58 PPPoE connections 86 restoring your software 61 trouble ejecting a disc 60 trouble using AirPort 60 turning the computer on 14
with an application 59
Putting your PowerBook to sleep 16
RAM checking 55 installing 52
reinstalling software 61, 91 removing the battery 47 replacing the battery 47 resetting your password 59 restoring software 61
safety 67
power adapter 66
using your PowerBook 66 SDRAM specifications 51 security slot 9, 49
serial number 62 setting up 11, 73 my printer 89
to connect manually 74 setting up a printer 25 Setup Assistant 11 shutting down 17
sleep 16 indicator light 7
software installer 61 Software Update 27 speakers 7, 39 specifications
SDRAM 51 static IP address 79 stopping
an application 29 the computer 17
storing your PowerBook 65 SuperDrive 7, 43
System Preferences 24
tips 22 transferring
files or documents 28 information 34, 35