Software Installation
Port number:
TxD buffer size: RxD buffer size: F5: Group Edit:
This is actually the port ID of each port. The application software will refer to the port by its port number (ID). Duplicated port number is not allowed. That is, each MOXA serial port is referred to as port number in terms of serial programming.
You may map the port number range to the one you prefer between 0 and 127 as long as no port number overlapping condition or port number undefined condition occurs. Generally, you should take the convenience of programming into consideration when specifying the port numbers for the board.
The transmission (output) buffer allocated in the system for each port. The receiving (input) buffer allocated in the system for each port.
This is a convenient function that helps you edit the configuration of several ports at one time as a group.
5.Press F10 to save the latest configuration and exit the SETUP program.