5.Create a /etc/hostname.hme<num> file for the Ethernet channel you are planning to use for the SunSwift SBus Adapter.
•hostname is literal. Type hostname.
•num is the instance number of the SBus card installation. Use 0 for the first SunSwift SBus Adapter installation, 1 for the second instance, and so on.
6.In this file, add a line containing just the host name that you assigned for the SunSwift SBus Adapter. For example, if your host name is zardoz, enter just this word.
7.Power off your system, using standard shutdown procedures described in Solaris 2.5 Handbook for SMCC Peripherals.
8.Install the SunSwift SBus Adapter as described in Chapter 2.
SunSwift SBus Adapter Installation and User’s |