Rails and JRuby FAQs
Does Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Support OpenESB?
No, OpenESB v2 runs on Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish v2). For more information about OpenESB, see
Rails and JRuby FAQs
Should I Start an Enterprise Server Domain and Deploy My Application Into It, or Should I Use the glassfish_rails Gem?
To continue the question: I'm not sure what the second option does, or why I might choose one over the other.
Response: In a nutshell, a gem is an application runner. It can run your Rails application but nothing else. If you use the Enterprise Server v3 Prelude installation, start the domain and deploy. You can deploy several Rails applications (or Java EE applications even) concurrently with a different context root. This gives you access to different containers such as web and EJB and also to the Update Tool. Enterprise Server enables you to host not only multiple Rails applications, but also any other Java EE application.
If I Deploy an Application Using the glassfish_rails
Gem, Can I Still Access the Administration Console?
No, the gem only runs Rails applications with no extensions or extra features. You must have Enterprise Server v3 Prelude with a web container to access the Administration Console.
Where in a Rails Application Structure Does Enterprise Server Look for jar Files to Add to the Classpath for
That Application?
To continue the question: WAR files and exploded Java webapp directories have
Chapter 3 • Frequently Asked Questions | 43 |