Interface Connections
All connections are made via industry standard CCITT V.35 (MR-34) female connectors located on the rear of the unit. The Following interface leads are implemented, Chassis (A), TD (P,S), RD (R,T), RTS (C), CTS (D), DSR (E), Sig Gnd(B), DCD (F), TT (Y,AA), RT (V,X), DTR (H), ETT (U,W).
In addition the master port can be accessed via an DB-25 with the following pinout, Chassis (1), TD (24,11), RD (23,22), RTS (4), CTS (5), DSR (6), Sig Gnd(7), DCD (8), TT (14,1), RT (16,3), DTR (20), ETT (15,2).
Front Panel LEDs
Front panel LEDs are provided to indicate power is applied, RD and TD activity from the Master Port, Sub-Channel activity of each individual Port, Anti-Stream condition of each Sub- Channel and an indication of clock Fallback condition.
Channel Enable / Disable Switches
Front panel switches allow operator intervention to remove an individual Sub-Channel from accessing the Master Port. Positive latching type switches are provided for each Sub- Channel port for isolating or removing a streaming terminal. The Sub-Channel is activated by pushing the switch until it is in the “IN” position. The switch will indicate GREEN in color. To disable a Sub-Channel push the switch until it locks in the “OUT” position, the switch will indicate BLACK in color. Disabling a Sub-Channel with the front panel does not prevent the Sub-Channel from receiving data from the Master Port only from sending data to the Master Port.
Power Supply
A linear power supply is located internally, an external 110/220VAC switch is located on the rear of the unit. If chassis ground and signal ground need to be tied together this can also be accomplished by switch selection. The unit is Rackmountable for 19" cabinets or optional 23" cabinets, by using the provided Rackmount Kit. Safety approvals granted are UL and CSA as well as emission approval for FCC Class A.