Load Balance Broadband Router User Guide
¾WAN Index - This shows the Router's WAN ports.
¾Port Status - This shows the ports' current status: Enabled or Disabled, the default status is Enabled.
¾Flow Control - This displays whether the Flow Control is Enabled, "Enabled" means the function is enabled, and “Disabled" means the function isn’t enabled.
¾Negotiation Mode - The options are: Auto Negotiation, 10M Half Duplex, 10M Full Duplex,100M Half Duplex and 100M Full Duplex.
¾Ingress Limit Mode & Ingress Limit Speed - Select the limit mode and limit speed for the WAN ports.
¾Egress Limit & Egress Limit speed - Enable Egress Limit for WAN ports and select the limit speed for them.
Egress speed limit is designed for controlling the broadcasting storm. When the current flux oversteps the setting value, the overstepped datagram will be discarded.
Choose menu “DHCP”, you can see the submenus under the main menu: DHCP Settings, DHCP Clients List and Address Reservation.