Invoke HSM, then press [F5] Invoke HSM, then press [b] Invoke HSM, then press [x] [Enter]
Invoke HSM, then press [u] [p] [g] [r] [a] [d] [e] [Enter]
Invoke HSM, then press [r] [Enter]
Invoke HSM, then press [d]
Invoke HSM, then press [s]
Invoke HSM, then press [m]
Invoke HSM, then press [F1]
*Note: To exit HSM manually, press Esc or spacebar.
USB Reset
Toggle hotkey beepers on or off Disable or enable port switching hotkey
Activate Firmware Upgrade Mode – Front panel KVM LED will flash indicating Firmware Upgrade Mode is activated.
Restore default settings
Enable or disable video emulation
Toggles between default and alternative front panel pushbutton operation settings. See page 18 for details.
Enable or disable mouse emulation
Reset keyboard and mouse under some special OS’ that do not support USB 2.0