3.3.8 Egress Tagging Rules
Egress Tagging rules are used to make change to the packet before it is stored into egress queue of an egress port. Three egress settings are provided for each port and are described as follows: Egress Settings
Insert Tag (per port setting)
Enable - Insert the Tag data of the associated Packet Tag information into the packet Disable - No tagging is performed.
Untagging Specific VID (per port setting)
Enable - No tag insertion if the VID data of the associated Packet Tag information matches the Untagged VID configured in next setting even [Insert Tag] is enabled.
Disable - This rule is not applied.
3.3.9 Summary of VLAN Function
VLAN Modes
Advanced VLAN Mode : Full VLAN configuration for
Advanced VLAN Mode
Egress Settings (per port) : [Tag Aware], [Keep Tag], [Drop Untag], [Drop Tag]
Ingress Default Tag (per port) : [PVID], [CFI], [User Priority]
VLAN Groups (global) : 8 VLAN groups
VLAN Group Settings (per group) : [VID], [Member Ports], [Source Port Check]
Egress Settings : [Insert Tag], [Untagging Specific VID], [Untagged VID]
VLAN range supported : 1 ~ 4095 (eight VLANs at the same time)
[PVID] [VID] [Untagged VID] value range : 1 ~ 4095