Configuring Portlets
❖Setting the TableClean component properties
2When the Connection Properties sheet appears, click the Transactions tab, choose Requires New.
3Click the Resource Refs tab, do this:
In the Resource factories referenced in code group, set the Sharing Scope of the jdbc/CacheName to shareable, then set the Resource Link to PATRIOTdbConnection.
4Click OK to return to Jaguar Manager.
5Shutdown and restart EAServer.
Configuring Portlets
This section tells you how to install and configure the 2.2 portlets.
❖Setting single login properties
Previous versions of PATRIOT Starter Kit sometimes allowed users to login more than once with the same login name. Updates to the portalinterface.properties allow you to restrict users to a single login at a time.
1Back up the following files.
Directory paths below are in UNIX notation. For DOS, change forward slashes to back slashes; change $JAGUAR to %JAGUAR%.
Subdirectory | Filename |
$JAGUAR/html/classes | PI_Errors.properties |
$JAGUAR/html/classes/com/ | Errors.class. |
sybase/ep/portalinterface |
$JAGUAR/html/classes/com/sybase/ep/ | SecurityServiceImpl.class |
portalinterface/services |
2Extract onelogin.zip into $JAGUAR.
20 | PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit |