CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2
Installing the Account Management portlet
This section tells you how to install the Account Management portlet. There are separate instructions for Windows and
Windows | Use these instructions to install the Account Management portlet on Windows. | |
| 1 | With ASE and Jaguar Server running, open a command window, and copy |
| %PATRIOT%\Portlets\PatAcctManagementPortlet.pz to |
| |
| 2 | Change to the |
| 3 | Run pz.bat with the following syntax: |
| pz.bat |
| PatAcctManagementPortlet.pz |
| 4 | Select Import Portlet from Archive and press ENTER. |
| 5 | Select Import Archived Portlets and then press ENTER. |
| This step imports the portlets. Choose ALL to any overwrite question; |
| choose No to any create duplicate question. An Import Done message |
| notifies you when this process is complete. |
| 6 | Select X and X to exit the PortalZipper tool. |
| 7 | Change to %JAGUAR%\html\portal\html\v4 directory, and use an editor |
| to change the properties of the ilab_changeInfo.html and |
| ilab_changePWD.html files. In both files, change the line that reads: |
| <jtf:setProperty name="IIOP_URL" |
| |
| to |
| <jtf:setProperty name="IIOP_URL" |
| value="iiop://<yourhost>:<yourport>"/> |
| 8 | Change to the %JAGUAR%\html\classes\com\sybase\ilab\pi\pim\tasks |
| directory, and rename PIMControl.class to PIMControl.class.old |
| 9 | Shut down and restart Jaguar Server. |
Solaris | Use these instructions to install the Account Management portlet on Solaris. | |
| 1 | With ASE and Jaguar Server running, open a command window, and copy |
| $PATRIOT/Portlets/PatAcctManagementPortlet.pz to |
| |
| 2 | Change to the |
Upgrade Guide | 23 |