Product licensing with SySAM 2.0
Product licensing with SySAM 2.0
Installing a standalone local license
Installing a served license
Setting up a license server
PowerBuilder uses the Sybase Software Asset Management System (SySAM) for product licensing. If you have purchased PowerBuilder, you have either a standalone local license or a served license.
For more information about licensing, see the SySAM Documentation at http://www.sybase.com/sysam.
For troubleshooting help, see “Troubleshooting SySAM issues” on page 28.
Typically, you must have a license file to install PowerBuilder on your computer. You can download a license file from the
Center (SPDC) at https://sybase.subscribenet.com. If you are evaluating PowerBuilder, refer to the information provided with your DVD or download. Evaluation versions of PowerBuilder are usually valid for 30 days and do not require a license file.
If you purchase PowerBuilder from Sybase, you receive an
You must provide the host ID and computer name of the computer where you want to install a local license when you contact the SPDC. If you have not obtained your license information before you run the setup program, you can find the host ID and computer name on the License Key page in the setup program.
If you are installing a served license, your organization needs a license server. The license server controls license availability and allows you to use licenses as needed. Using a served license makes license maintenance much easier for organizations with multiple workstations, since a single license for all workstations can be centrally managed.
To install a served license, you must know the server name. You may also need the TCP port number if the administrator who installed the license server defined a TCP port number that is different from the default. In this case, you must specify this
If you are responsible for setting up a license server, you can install a license server using the Standalone SySAM Installer.zip file in the Support directory on the DVD. For more information, see the chapter on license server administration in the Sybase Software Asset Management User Guide at
http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.dc00530_0200/ht ml/sysamug/title.htm.
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