CHAPTER 1 Installing PowerBuilder Enterprise
Silent install and uninstall
You can install and uninstall PowerBuilder 11.5 and the PowerBuilder virtual machine (PBVM) without displaying messages or windows during the setup or removal process. However, you must accept the Sybase license agreement before you can run the silent install file. You can indicate your acceptance by typing the following line in a DOS command box before you type in the silent install batch file command:
SET AgreeToSybaseLicense=true
If the DOS prompt does not display the PowerBuilder installation directory, you must change to that directory.
•Use the main installation directory to install PowerBuilder and InfoMaker
•Use the PBVM directory to install the PowerBuilder virtual machine
Modifying the batch file directly
You can indicate your acceptance of the Sybase license agreement by directly editing the silentinstall.bat file. You do this by changing the line in the batch file that reads set AgreeToSybaseLicense=false. You must change this line to read set AgreeToSybaseLicense=true. After you make this change, you can
The file for PowerBuilder Enterprise is in the main installation directory on the
PowerBuilder DVD, and the file for the PBVM is in the PBVM directory.
You can use the DOS command line to provide help for silent install parameters. The help is available by typing Help or a question mark after entering silentinstall.bat on the command line.
Silent install and uninstall for PowerBuilder and InfoMaker
If you are running the installation from the DOS command box, you can run the silent install using the following syntax:
silentinstall.bat [“lic=licPathNameOrServerName” “opt=product” “dir=directoryName” “shr=sharedDirectoryName” “log=logFileName”]
Installation Guide | 21 |