represent the firmware release version (e.g. 129 equals version 1.29).
3)A data file that tells the upgrade program (LYDJNR.EXE) which binary code files (HEX files) to download to the LINDY CPU Switch Dual Junior and where to put each file. Theoretically this DAT file can be modified so that only certain processors are upgraded but do not do this unless specifically instructed by LINDY technical support.
Like the hex files, the first three digits represent the model number (e.g. 216 represents an LINDY CPU Switch Dual Junior model with 16 computer ports). The next four digits represent the version number (e.g. V129 equals firmware version 1.29).
To upgrade the LINDY CPU Switch, check that the DAT file designation matches the model that you have. In other words, if you have an LINDY CPU Switch Dual Junior with 16 computer ports and you want to upgrade to version 1.30 then the DAT file that you need would be named 216V130.DAT. Also check that all the required files are loaded into the same directory on your computer. From that directory run the upgrade file using the following command line.
LYDJNR {Dat_file_name}.DAT
Where {Dat_file_name} is the name of the required DAT file
For example, if the name of the required DAT file is 216V129.DAT then use the following command line:
LINDY CPU Switch Dual Junior Installation and Use | Page 62 |