Optimizing LCD Display
To ensure the LCD display works well with your computer, configure the display mode of your graphic card to make it less than or equal to 1280 x 1024 resolution, and make sure the timing of the display mode is compatible with the LCD display. Refer to Appendix A for more information about resolution. Compatible video modes for your touchmonitor are listed in Appendix C.
VESA Mounting Interface
Your touchmonitor conforms to the VESAFlat Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface (FPMPMITM) Standard which defines a physical mounting interface for flat panel monitors, and corresponding stan- dards for flat panel monitor mounting devices, such as wall and table arms. The VESAmounting interface is located on the back of your touchmonitor and is shipped
You can also use the existing stand for wall mounting. For mounting dimensions, go to www.elotouch. com/products/displcds.asp and under Mode, click on Elo Entuitive 1725L/1727L. Click on drawing MS500378.
Note: The above drawing displays the VESA mounting interface after the removal of the mounting cover and base.