1.EloGetECVersion(unsigned int *pECVer); Description: Get Tablet EC version
OUT: | 2 Bytes, LSB: Version LSB, MSB: Version MSB |
| Output format: MSB.LSB |
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
2.EloGetDECVersion(unsigned int *pECVer); Description: Get Docking EC version
OUT: | 2 Bytes, LSB: Version LSB, MSB: Version MSB |
| Output format: MSB.LSB |
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
3.ELODockingMcuReset(unsigned char Data); Description: Reset the Docking MCU
IN: 0 or 1
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
4.EloGetDockingStatus(unsigned int *pDock); Description: Get the docking connection status OUT: 1 present 0 absent
Successful Return value: STATUS_OK (0)
Elo® Tablet NFC Reader Application Note
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