Mitsubishi Electronics FC810 manual + +

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This is EPP 1.9 and IEE1284 (ECP) compliant and is compatible with a standard (output only) PC￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿parallel port as well as a bi-directional (PS/2 style) parallel port. There is a 25-way D-type connector on the rear panel.

Two UltraDMA33/ (66 - ICH1) IDE ports are provided with the controller integrated into the ICH. This allows for a maximum of four drives to be connected - two to each port. Normally the primary port would be used for hard disk drives and the secondary port for CD-ROM or DVD drives. 120MB floppy drives have IDE interfaces.

Both IDE controllers are independent and both can bus-master data into memory for improved

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿performance. The interfaces are also, of course, compatible with standard ATA drives.

The motherboard has two USB ports at the rear with the controller integrated into the ICH.

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There is chassis intrusion detection available on motherboards with the 87366 fitted. This is capable of detecting an intrusion even when AC is disconnected (the logic is powered from the 3V lithium cell).


A voltage regulator conforming to the Intel VRM8.2 standard supplies power for the processor

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿core. The motherboard automatically selects the correct processor voltage.

An IEC-type CR2032 3V lithium coin cell and holder are fitted to the board. Note that when the motherboard is powered off but the AC remains connected (the standby rail is active) the battery is not used.


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Contents User Guide FC810 microATX Motherboard Document History This product contains a lithium battery FCC ClassB Overview Electrical USB Ports 0 #digital$%%!&link RAM User can configure the following items CPU Socket Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Link 1-2 and 3-4 when 5V standby rail is not available Dimm specification Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Processor requires continuous airflow 66/100Mhz system bus frequency Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division USB DMI Interchangeable + + Pin Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division INTA# PCI slot F1 or Alt-h 2menu,. !% +%# Real-time clock error Codescan be used to determine the failure Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Mitsubishi Electric Motherboard Division Access denied Advisory 657896 Port21 112 + + 49 $ Right19channel= +!2GND Power on switch Not Used Key DSKCHG# 8RIGHT$#+!,I