InFocus 630 manual Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Cleaning the Lens, Replacing the Projection Lamp

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Cleaning the Lens








Replacing the Projection Lamp







WARNING: For ceiling installation. To prevent eye injury, wear protective eyewear before opening the lamp door.

WARNING: To avoid burns, allow the projector to cool for at least 30 minutes before you open the lamp module door. Never extract the lamp module while the projector is operating.


Image 37
Contents Page Page Remote Control Warning Safety CertificationsFCC Warning CanadaAustralian Certification C-tick mark Trademarks Declaration of Conformity0DQXIDFWXUHU,QRFXV&RUSRUDWLRQ DUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI,QRFXV&RUSRUDWLRQTable of Contents Appendix Limited Warranty6SHFLILFDWLRQV $FFHVVRULHV 2SWLRQDO$FFHVVRULHV 3URMHFWHG,PDJH6LHPlease save all safety instructions Safety InstructionsFRXOGUHVXOWLQSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ $QDUURZSRLQWLQJWRWKHODPSGRRURQWKHSURMHFWRUGluhfwvxqoljkw Customer ServiceImportant Operating Considerations ZHDUSURWHFWLYHH\HZHDUEHIRUHRSHQLQJODPSGRRUIntroduction Image ResolutionCompatibility Unpacking the ProjectorT r o d u c t i o n Usage Guidelines WarrantyWkhsurmhfwruwruhdfkurrpwhpshudwxuhehiruhxvh If You Need AssistanceT r o d u c t i o n 3ODFHWKHSURMHFWRURQDIODWVXUIDFH Setting UP the Projector3RVLWLRQWKHSURMHFWRUWKHGHVLUHGGLVWDQFHIURPWKHVFUHHQ 0DNHVXUHWKHSURMHFWRUDQGWKHFRPSXWHUDUHWXUQHGRII Connecting a ComputerQhfwrurqwkhsurmhfwru Connecting an External SpeakerDo you want to play your computer’s audio on the projector? Connecting a Computer using a Vesa cable Connecting a Video PlayerRqwkhsurmhfwru WkhsurmhfwruWkhlqfrplqjylghr Powering on the Projector and Adjusting the Image7XUQRQ\RXUFRPSXWHU \RXFRQQHFWHGDYLGHRSOD\HUWXUQLWRQGhwdlov Turning Off the ProjectorBasic Image Adjustment Using the Projector7KLVVHFWLRQSURYLGHVDUHIHUHQFHIRUXVLQJWKHNH\SDGDQG DgmxvwphqwvwrwkhsurmhfwruirurswlpxpshuirupdqfhUsing the Laser Pointer Using the Remote ControlUhohdvhg Controlling your computers Mouse with the Remote3UHVVDQGKROGWKHHOHYDWRUEXWWRQ Adjusting the ProjectorDqjohriwkhsurmhfwhglpdjh To Raise the ProjectorPhqxexwwrq Using the Keypad and Remote Buttons to navigateUsing the Projector Keypad SUHVHQWDWLRQVFUHDWHGLQ0LFURVRIWŠ3RZHU3RLQWŠ DjdlqWkhylghrvrxufh ‡ PC1/PC2²GDWDVRXUFHVIRUWKHSURMHFWRU$OORZVWKHXVHUPLQXWHVRUDVVHWE\WKHXVHUDQGWKHSURMHFWRUVKXWVRII Wlrqdoghvfulswlrqrihdfkphqxlwhp Using the On-Screen MenusWKHNH\SDGWRWRJJOHEHWZHHQWKHWKUHHDYDLODEOHFKRLFHV Vshdnhuv Audio MenuImage Menu VHOHFWLRQZLOODSSHDUJUD\HGRXWFade MuteSrvlwlrq Manual Sync VrxufhlvylghrManual Tracking Horizontal PositionEodqn Control Menu7KHDGYDQFHGPHQXLVDQDUUD\RIPLVFHOODQHRXVFRQWUROV0RVW Advanced MenuVfuhhqvdyhuiurplqwhuuxswlqjsuhvhqwdwlrqv ZlooglvdeohwklvihdwxuhLanguage Menu ResetDisplay Startup Screen 7KLVDUHDGRQO\ZLQGRZIRULQIRUPDWLRQSXUSRVHV Status MenuI n g O j e c t o r Cleaning the Lens Maintenance & TroubleshootingReplacing the Projection Lamp QHFWRUVSURSHUO\ WkhprgxohSodfh 6OLGHWKHODPSGRRUIRUZDUGDQGRIIWKHSURMHFWRUSurmhfwruedfnrq 10 6OLGHWKHODPSFRYHUEDFNLQWRSODFH7XUQWKHUHPRWHIDFHGRZQLQ\RXUKDQG QVWDOOWZRQHZ$$DONDOLQHEDWWHULHV7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUG Cleaning the Fan Intake FilterOhdqwkhilowhu 5HSODFHWKHILOWHUGRRU ‡ 6OLGHWKHGRRUEDFNLQSODFHTroubleshooting Using the Security LockSRZHUFRUGLVDOVRSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHGWRWKHSURMHFWRU ‡ 0DNHVXUHWKHSURMHFWRULVWXUQHGRQ\RX·UHXVLQJLQGRZV FRQILJXUHGFRUUHFWO\OLFNWKH6HWWLQJVWDE Dgglwlrqdolqvwuxfwlrqv‡ -XVWDVWKHUHDUHGLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHGLVSOD\VRIGLIIHUHQW ‡ &KHFNWKHSURMHFWLRQOHQVWRVHHLILWQHHGVFOHDQLQJProblem The projector runs a long time after I turn it off Problem Lamp shuts off‡ 0DNHVXUHWKHYHQWVDUHQRWEORFNHG ‡ WKHUHVROXWLRQRI\RXUFRPSXWHUAppendix SpecificationsStandard Accessories Ship with the projector Part Number AccessoriesAudio Input RU,QRFXV&DWDORJ6DOHVDW Optional AccessoriesKey command to Computer Activate port De-activate port Portable and Laptop Activation ChartFN-F6 FN-F4 FN-F1 NCR 7RWXUQRQYLGHRPLUURULQJIRUWKHILUVWWLPH Using Video Mirroring with a PowerBook Computer6HWWKHQXPEHURIFRORUV\RXZDQW 7XUQRIIYLGHRPLUURULQJ 2SHQWKH0RQLWRUVFRQWUROSDQHO7RVHOHFW6LPXO6FDQ Using SimulScanProjected Image Size Distance to Screen DiagonalDxglrphqx Edodqfh Edvv Idgh Pxwh Wuheoh Yroxph DgmxvwlqjwkhlpdjhDxwrlpdjh Edvv DxglrXDUGLDQ&DEOH/RFN6\VWHP Krulrqwdosrvlwlrq Idgh DxglrLpdjhsrvlwlrq Pdjhuhvroxwlrq NH\SDG XvlqjDxwr Iuhhh PDJQLI\SDQ 5HDUSURMHFWXVLQJWKH/DVHU3UR UhprwhrrpPage Htxlydohqwruvxshulruwrqhzsduwvshuirupdqfh InFocus-Branded ProductsWarranty Limitation and Exclusion

630 specifications

The InFocus 630 is a versatile projector that has garnered attention for its robust features and innovative technologies. Designed primarily for business and educational environments, the InFocus 630 combines high-quality image projection with user-friendly functionality.

One of the standout features of the InFocus 630 is its brightness. With a brightness rating of 3,000 lumens, it delivers clear and vivid presentations even in well-lit rooms. This makes it an ideal choice for business meetings, seminars, and classroom settings where ambient light may pose a challenge. The projector also boasts a contrast ratio of 15,000:1, ensuring that images have sharp detail and vibrant colors, which enhances the overall viewing experience.

The InFocus 630 supports a range of resolutions, including XGA (1024x768), making it compatible with various content formats. This flexibility allows users to project everything from high-resolution images to standard video formats without compromising quality. The technology behind the InFocus 630 includes DLP (Digital Light Processing), which is known for its reliability and superior color accuracy. DLP technology utilizes a digital micromirror device that helps produce stunning visuals that maintain their integrity over time.

Connectivity is another strong suit of the InFocus 630. It comes equipped with multiple ports, including HDMI, VGA, and USB, allowing for easy integration with laptops, tablets, and other multimedia devices. This wide array of connectivity options makes it convenient for users to switch between different devices during presentations. Additionally, the projector supports wireless streaming capabilities, enabling seamless connectivity without the clutter of cables.

For ease of use, the InFocus 630 incorporates an intuitive menu system and remote control, making navigation straightforward for users of all technical levels. The projector also supports keystone correction, which allows for image adjustment even when the projector is not perfectly aligned with the screen. This feature is particularly useful in dynamic presentation environments where setup may vary.

Durability and energy efficiency are also key characteristics of the InFocus 630. The projector is designed to withstand regular use in demanding settings, and it features a long-lasting lamp that provides thousands of hours of operation, reducing the frequency of replacements. Overall, the InFocus 630 stands out as a reliable and effective solution for anyone in need of a high-performance projector for various applications. Its combination of brightness, image quality, advanced technology, and user-friendly features makes it a preferred choice for professionals and educators alike.