InFocus 630 manual Wkhprgxoh, Qhfwruvsurshuo, Sodfh, 6OLGHWKHODPSGRRUIRUZDUGDQGRIIWKHSURMHFWRU

Page 38

M a i n t e n a n c e


T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g




WARNING: Be extremely careful when removing the lamp module. In the unlikely event that the bulb ruptures, small glass fragments may be generated. The lamp module is designed to contain these fragments, but use caution when removing the lamp module.

WARNING: For ceiling installation. To prevent eye injury, wear protective eyewear before opening the lamp door.

CAUTION: Never operate the projector with the lamp door open or removed. This disrupts the air flow and causes the projector to overheat.

WARNING: Do not drop the

lamp module or touch the glass bulb. The glass may shatter and cause injury.





Loosen the two silver screws securing the lamp to the projector




Removing the lamp from the projector






Image 38
Contents Page Page FCC Warning Safety CertificationsRemote Control Warning Canada0DQXIDFWXUHU,QRFXV&RUSRUDWLRQ Declaration of ConformityAustralian Certification C-tick mark Trademarks DUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI,QRFXV&RUSRUDWLRQTable of Contents 6SHFLILFDWLRQV $FFHVVRULHV 2SWLRQDO$FFHVVRULHV Limited WarrantyAppendix 3URMHFWHG,PDJH6LHFRXOGUHVXOWLQSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ Safety InstructionsPlease save all safety instructions $QDUURZSRLQWLQJWRWKHODPSGRRURQWKHSURMHFWRUImportant Operating Considerations Customer ServiceGluhfwvxqoljkw ZHDUSURWHFWLYHH\HZHDUEHIRUHRSHQLQJODPSGRRUCompatibility Image ResolutionIntroduction Unpacking the ProjectorT r o d u c t i o n Wkhsurmhfwruwruhdfkurrpwhpshudwxuhehiruhxvh WarrantyUsage Guidelines If You Need AssistanceT r o d u c t i o n 3RVLWLRQWKHSURMHFWRUWKHGHVLUHGGLVWDQFHIURPWKHVFUHHQ Setting UP the Projector3ODFHWKHSURMHFWRURQDIODWVXUIDFH Connecting a Computer 0DNHVXUHWKHSURMHFWRUDQGWKHFRPSXWHUDUHWXUQHGRIIDo you want to play your computer’s audio on the projector? Connecting an External SpeakerQhfwrurqwkhsurmhfwru Rqwkhsurmhfwru Connecting a Video PlayerConnecting a Computer using a Vesa cable WkhsurmhfwruPowering on the Projector and Adjusting the Image WkhlqfrplqjylghrGhwdlov \RXFRQQHFWHGDYLGHRSOD\HUWXUQLWRQ7XUQRQ\RXUFRPSXWHU Turning Off the Projector7KLVVHFWLRQSURYLGHVDUHIHUHQFHIRUXVLQJWKHNH\SDGDQG Using the ProjectorBasic Image Adjustment DgmxvwphqwvwrwkhsurmhfwruirurswlpxpshuirupdqfhUhohdvhg Using the Remote ControlUsing the Laser Pointer Controlling your computers Mouse with the RemoteDqjohriwkhsurmhfwhglpdjh Adjusting the Projector3UHVVDQGKROGWKHHOHYDWRUEXWWRQ To Raise the ProjectorUsing the Keypad and Remote Buttons to navigate PhqxexwwrqUsing the Projector Keypad Djdlq SUHVHQWDWLRQVFUHDWHGLQ0LFURVRIWŠ3RZHU3RLQWŠPLQXWHVRUDVVHWE\WKHXVHUDQGWKHSURMHFWRUVKXWVRII ‡ PC1/PC2²GDWDVRXUFHVIRUWKHSURMHFWRU$OORZVWKHXVHUWkhylghrvrxufh Using the On-Screen Menus WlrqdoghvfulswlrqrihdfkphqxlwhpWKHNH\SDGWRWRJJOHEHWZHHQWKHWKUHHDYDLODEOHFKRLFHV Audio Menu VshdnhuvFade VHOHFWLRQZLOODSSHDUJUD\HGRXWImage Menu MuteSrvlwlrq Manual Tracking VrxufhlvylghrManual Sync Horizontal PositionControl Menu EodqnVfuhhqvdyhuiurplqwhuuxswlqjsuhvhqwdwlrqv Advanced Menu7KHDGYDQFHGPHQXLVDQDUUD\RIPLVFHOODQHRXVFRQWUROV0RVW ZlooglvdeohwklvihdwxuhDisplay Startup Screen ResetLanguage Menu Status Menu 7KLVDUHDGRQO\ZLQGRZIRULQIRUPDWLRQSXUSRVHVI n g O j e c t o r Replacing the Projection Lamp Maintenance & TroubleshootingCleaning the Lens Sodfh WkhprgxohQHFWRUVSURSHUO\ 6OLGHWKHODPSGRRUIRUZDUGDQGRIIWKHSURMHFWRU7XUQWKHUHPRWHIDFHGRZQLQ\RXUKDQG 10 6OLGHWKHODPSFRYHUEDFNLQWRSODFHSurmhfwruedfnrq QVWDOOWZRQHZ$$DONDOLQHEDWWHULHVOhdqwkhilowhu Cleaning the Fan Intake Filter7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUG 5HSODFHWKHILOWHUGRRU ‡ 6OLGHWKHGRRUEDFNLQSODFHSRZHUFRUGLVDOVRSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHGWRWKHSURMHFWRU Using the Security LockTroubleshooting ‡ 0DNHVXUHWKHSURMHFWRULVWXUQHGRQOLFNWKH6HWWLQJVWDE FRQILJXUHGFRUUHFWO\\RX·UHXVLQJLQGRZV Dgglwlrqdolqvwuxfwlrqv‡ &KHFNWKHSURMHFWLRQOHQVWRVHHLILWQHHGVFOHDQLQJ ‡ -XVWDVWKHUHDUHGLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHGLVSOD\VRIGLIIHUHQW‡ 0DNHVXUHWKHYHQWVDUHQRWEORFNHG Problem Lamp shuts offProblem The projector runs a long time after I turn it off ‡ WKHUHVROXWLRQRI\RXUFRPSXWHUSpecifications AppendixAudio Input AccessoriesStandard Accessories Ship with the projector Part Number Optional Accessories RU,QRFXV&DWDORJ6DOHVDWPortable and Laptop Activation Chart Key command to Computer Activate port De-activate portFN-F6 FN-F4 FN-F1 NCR 6HWWKHQXPEHURIFRORUV\RXZDQW Using Video Mirroring with a PowerBook Computer7RWXUQRQYLGHRPLUURULQJIRUWKHILUVWWLPH 7XUQRIIYLGHRPLUURULQJ 2SHQWKH0RQLWRUVFRQWUROSDQHOProjected Image Size Using SimulScan7RVHOHFW6LPXO6FDQ Diagonal Distance to ScreenDxwrlpdjh DgmxvwlqjwkhlpdjhDxglrphqx Edodqfh Edvv Idgh Pxwh Wuheoh Yroxph Edvv DxglrLpdjhsrvlwlrq Pdjhuhvroxwlrq Idgh DxglrXDUGLDQ&DEOH/RFN6\VWHP Krulrqwdosrvlwlrq NH\SDG XvlqjXVLQJWKH/DVHU3UR 5HDUSURMHFWDxwr Iuhhh PDJQLI\SDQ UhprwhrrpPage InFocus-Branded Products HtxlydohqwruvxshulruwrqhzsduwvshuirupdqfhWarranty Limitation and Exclusion