ATM/POS bridge Installation Manual | EN 9 |
Communication Channels
In the Communication Channels submenu you can select one of the four COM ports to configure. The submenu that appears depends on the setting of the Comport Mode. Enter the parameters that are required for your terminal.
1 | Comport Mode | Asynchronous |
3 | Baudrate | 9600 |
4 | Databits | 8 bits |
5 | Parity | None |
6 | Stop bits | 1bit |
7 | Flow Control | Off |
Terminal Setup
In the Terminal Setup submenu you can select one of the four connected terminals to configure. Enter a terminal name and select the type of device connected to your terminal. Contact your local sale representative if your device is not listed in the menu for selection. Our firmware is continously extended with new options.
1 | Name | |
2 | Device | Epson |
3 | Comm Channel | Com 1 - RS232 |
4 | Address | 0 |
Simulation Mode
The Simulation Mode is used to test the connection between the bridge and the digital recorder. If this mode is selected, sample data is sent from the bridge to the digital recorder.
Bosch Security Systems