Uploading a Device's Contents Into PC Memory
3.12 Uploading a Device's Contents Into PC Memory± the Upload Command
When you use the upload command, the microcontroller and gang program- mers display different prompts and messages. The microcontroller program- mer is discussed in
3.12.1 Uploading Using the Microcontroller Programmer
Use the upload command to upload the device contents to the PC memory . Starting the upload is a simple
Step 1: Define the address range of the device contents you are uploading.
Device base address: all
The default for the base address prompt, all, causes the valid ad- dress ranges defined for the current device type to be read and uploaded to the PC memory.
For example, the valid address ranges defined for the TMS370C756 device are (1E00h±1FFFh) and (4000h±7FFFh). When the default is used, the contents of the device inside (1E00h±1FFFh) and (4000h±7FFFh) are read and uploaded to PC memory starting at ad- dress 1E00h and 4000h, respectively.
However, if you want to upload device contents from a range in the device other than the default, enter the start address of the range and then the size at the next prompt.
Size (in bytes): 0000h
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define the PC memory base address at the following prompt.
PC memory base address:
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the device base address prompt. If you want to upload to a different PC memory loca- tion, enter the address.
Once the actual uploading begins, it proceeds packet by packet
Address Out of Range, Press any key
Press any key to erase the error message and return to the display command menu.