Sharp V/R manual S K E Y S F O R 1 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S

Page 27

“ A N S ” K E Y S F O R 1 -V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C S

C alculates the average for input data (sample data x).

C alculates the standard deviation of samples from input data (sample data x).

C alculates the standard deviation for a population from input data (sample data x).

Displays the number of input data (sample data x).

C alculates the total for input data (sample data x).

C alculates the total to the second power for input data (sample data x).

N OT E :

1. Sample data refers to data selected randomly from the population.

2.Standard deviation of samples is determined by the sample data shift from an average value.

3.Standard deviation for the population is standard deviation when the sample data is deemed a population (full data).

<Let’s check the results based on the previous data.>

69 (average value)

17.75686128 (standard deviation)

17.57839583 (standard deviation of the population)

50 (total count of data)

3450 (total)


Single-variable statistical calculations are used in a broad range of fields, including engineering, business and economics.They are most often applied to analysis in atmospheric obser vations and physics experiments, as well as for quality control in factories.


Image 27
Contents Sciientiifiic Calculator Operatiionguiide N TEN TS E Y L AY O U T Ow to Ope ra teDI S P L AY F O R M AT a N D DI S P L AY P AT T E R NX P O N E N T DI S P L AY Adians R a D is shown at the top of the display N G U L a R U N I TON/OFF, Entry Correction Keys Pressing π automatically enters the value for π Data Entry KeysGenerates random numbers RandomFunction to round calculation results ModifyBasic Arithmetic Keys, Parentheses Percent Xth Root of y To the Power of x, Common Logarithm To the Power of x, Natural Logarithm Factorials PPL IC AT IO N S Permutations, Combinations24 28 Time CalculationFractional Calculations Memory Calculations ~ Last Answer Memory Trigonometric Functions Arc Trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Coordinate Conversion DAT a I N P U T a N D E R a S E Statistics FunctionS K E Y S F O R 1 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Data total up to this point S K E Y S F O R 2 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Sharp CORP. MAR