Sharp V/R manual Time Calculation, 24 28

Page 18

Time Calculation

C onver ts a sexagesimal value displayed in degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal notation. Also, conver ts a decimal value to sexagesimal notataion (degrees, minutes, seconds).

Inputs values in sexagesimal notation (degrees, minutes, seconds).

<Example> C onver t 24° 28’ 35” (24 degrees, 28 minutes, 35 sec- onds) to decimal notation. T hen conver t 24.476° to sexagesimal notation.

O per ation

24 28 35

C onvert to decimal notation

D isplay




Repeat last key operation to return to the previous display.


Used in calculations of angles and angular velocity in physics, and latitude and longitude in geography.


Image 18
Contents Sciientiifiic Calculator Operatiionguiide N TEN TS Ow to Ope ra te E Y L AY O U TDI S P L AY P AT T E R N DI S P L AY F O R M AT a N DX P O N E N T DI S P L AY N G U L a R U N I T Adians R a D is shown at the top of the displayON/OFF, Entry Correction Keys Data Entry Keys Pressing π automatically enters the value for πRandom Generates random numbersModify Function to round calculation resultsBasic Arithmetic Keys, Parentheses Percent Xth Root of y To the Power of x, Common Logarithm To the Power of x, Natural Logarithm Factorials Permutations, Combinations PPL IC AT IO N STime Calculation 24 28Fractional Calculations Memory Calculations ~ Last Answer Memory Trigonometric Functions Arc Trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Coordinate Conversion Statistics Function DAT a I N P U T a N D E R a S ES K E Y S F O R 1 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Data total up to this point S K E Y S F O R 2 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Sharp CORP. MAR