Sharp V/R manual Permutations, Combinations, Ppl Ic At Io N S

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Permutations, Combinations

T his function finds the number of different possible orderings in selecting r objects from a set of n objects. For example, there are six different ways of ordering the letters ABC in groups of three letters—ABC , AC B, BAC , BC A, C AB, and C BA.

The calculation equation is 3P3 = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 (ways).

T his function finds the number of ways of selecting r objects from a set of n objects. For example, from the three letters ABC , there are three ways we can extract groups of two different letters—AB, AC , and C B.

T he calculation equation is 3C 2.


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Used in statistics (probability calculations) and in simulation hypoth- eses in fields such as medicine, pharmaceutics, and physics. Also, can be used to determine the chances of winning in lotteries.


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Contents Sciientiifiic Calculator Operatiionguiide N TEN TS E Y L AY O U T Ow to Ope ra teDI S P L AY F O R M AT a N D DI S P L AY P AT T E R NX P O N E N T DI S P L AY Adians R a D is shown at the top of the display N G U L a R U N I TON/OFF, Entry Correction Keys Pressing π automatically enters the value for π Data Entry KeysGenerates random numbers RandomFunction to round calculation results ModifyBasic Arithmetic Keys, Parentheses Percent Xth Root of y To the Power of x, Common Logarithm To the Power of x, Natural Logarithm Factorials PPL IC AT IO N S Permutations, Combinations24 28 Time CalculationFractional Calculations Memory Calculations ~ Last Answer Memory Trigonometric Functions Arc Trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Coordinate Conversion DAT a I N P U T a N D E R a S E Statistics FunctionS K E Y S F O R 1 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Data total up to this point S K E Y S F O R 2 -V a R I a B L E S T AT I S T I C S Sharp CORP. MAR