Visioneer manual Visioneer PhotoPort 7700 USB Scanner Specifications

Page 4


Getting Help


Selecting New Options for the Buttons


Creating New Configurations


Adjusting Scan Settings and Page Settings


Setting Preferences


Scanning from the PaperPort Software


Scanning an Item with the Twain Button


Getting Help with the PaperPort Software


Adjusting the Settings on the Scan Manager Pro


Saving a New Profile


Adjusting the Resolution and Sharpness


Adjusting the Brightness and Contrast


Adjusting Gamma, Saturation, and Color Hue


Adjusting Output Size


Saving a Custom Size


The Scan Info Box


Zooming In and Out


Setting Preferences


Getting Help with the Scan Manager Pro


Cleaning the Scanner Glass


Visioneer PhotoPort 7700 USB Scanner Specifications


Image 4 Visioneer manual Visioneer PhotoPort 7700 USB Scanner Specifications
Contents Visioneer PhotoPort USB Scanner Installation Guide P Y R I G H T I N F O R M a T I O N B L E O F C O N T E N T S Visioneer PhotoPort 7700 USB Scanner Specifications Welcome WHAT’S in the BOXVisioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Visioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide What YOU Need Getting the Paperport Software USER’S GuideInstalling To install the PaperPort softwareInstalling the Paper Port Software Connecting the Scanner To connect the PhotoPort 7700 scanner to a USB portUnlocked position Checking OUT Your Scanner To check the status of the scanner If the Scanner is not Properly ConnectedTo connect the scanner To rename the network drives for a Novell network Renaming Network DrivesChoose Properties Double-clickClient for NetWare Networks Three Ways to Scan Paper Items Scan with the Scanner ButtonsScan from the Screen Scan from the PaperPort Software or Other Twain SoftwareScanning Paper Items with the Onetouch Buttons To scan by pressing a OneTouch button on the scannerVisioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide Button Function Preconfigured Settings About the Onetouch ButtonsScreen To scan from the screenCompactflash Card Smartmedia CardTransferring Images from Compactflash and Smartmedia Cards To transfer images from the cardsScanner automatically begins to read the images To remove a card from its scanner slot Using Digital Media AS a Hard Drive To erase the images from a cardSending Your Images to PHOTOWORKS.COM Transferring Images from Digital Memory Cards To send images to Transferring Images from Digital Memory Cards Visioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide To change an image’s settings Click Print Area Dialog box appears for changing the image’s settingsTo crop the image, drag one of the cropping handles Click OK Preferences are for the default settings Setting Photoport Preferences DefaultTo set PhotoPort preferences Transferring Images from Digital Memory Cards PRE-SELECTING Images Before Transferring To pre-select imagesTransferring Images from Digital Memory Cards Configuring the Scanner To display the Configuration dialog box from the Button PanelAbout the Configuration Dialog BOX Scan single Scan multiple pages Selecting NEW Options for the Buttons Getting HelpTo select new options for a scanner button Creating NEW Configurations Adjusting Scan Settings and page Settings To adjust the scan settings and page settingsVisioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide Configuring the Scanner Visioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide Setting Preferences To set preferencesVisioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide Configuring the Scanner Scanning from the Paperport Software To set up the PaperPort software with the scannerChoose Visioneer Scan Manager Pro, and then click Select Scanning AN Item with the Twain Button To scan an itemClick AutoScan to scan with your preset scan choices To scan manually To scan automatically Click AutoScan Getting Help with the Paperport Software Adjusting the Settings on the Scan Manager PRO To adjust a settingSaving a NEW Profile To save a new profileVisioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Installation Guide Adjusting the Resolution and Sharpness To adjust the resolution and sharpness Adjusting the Brightness and ContrastTo adjust the brightness and contrast Adjusting GAMMA, SATURATION, and Color HUE To use the Sampler buttonsTo adjust the color settings Adjusting Output Size To Auto Trim an item Click Auto Trim To manually set the output size for an item Scan Info for the area selected on the image To save a custom size setting Saving a Custom SizeZooming in and OUT Scan Info BOXTo enlarge and reduce the preview image To set the Scan Manager Pro preferences Getting Help with the Scan Manager PRO Cleaning the Scanner GlassTo see the Scan Manager Pro help information Visioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Specifications Visioneer Photoport 7700 USB Scanner Specifications