Save images for which no prints were ordered.—select this option if you added images to the PhotoWorks.com application but did not place an order. The next time you open the application, the images are still available so you can order the prints.
Automatically continues the upload of images...—this option is helpful if you get disconnected from the internet while the order is being sent. Select this option to have your computer automatically continue sending an interrupted order so you don’t have to manually re-send it.
If you want to reset the preferences to their default settings, click
2.Click one of the other tabs on the PhotoWorks.com application to continue working, or click Exit if you’re finished.
Your scanner is pre-configured to transfer images directly to the PaperPort Desktop as soon as you insert a memory card in its slot. However, you can change the scanner preferences to display the images on the card before they’re transferred. Other preferences determine where the images are sent and the names of the drives on your computer associated with the cards.
To set PhotoPort preferences:
1.Place the mouse pointer on the scanner icon in the Windows taskbar.
2.Right-click the icon. The shortcut menu appears.
3.Choose Configure from the shortcut menu.
4.Click the Preferences tab on the Configuration dialog box.
Preferences tab
The Preferences dialog box appears.