High Speed Vertical Switch
Our High Speed Vertical Switch is used to switch pans, lids, trays or baskets from one conveyor line into two or three superposed (same vertical plane) receiving lines. This type of switch is used in pans, lids or basket return conveyor lines, for high speed line selection (Up to 35 actions/min).
The switch consist of : one (1) Infeed Switching Conveyor and two (2) or three (3) Fixed Receiving Conveyors mounted inside a steel frame. The Infeed Conveyor pivots around its infeed shaft axis and its discharge goes up and/or down accordingly in order to discharge onto the receiving conveyors that are fixed mounted. The switching is done by a pneumatic cylinder mounted under or over the Infeed Conveyor.
•Standard length 76”, 1 in – 2 out and 1 in – 3 out configurations according to your layout (Elevations In & Out)
•Intralox, Series 1100, Friction Top Belting. (No more tracking problems)
•Anodized aluminum conveyor side frames,
•Black oxided steel shafts and zinc plated steel hardware.
•Switch is equipped with air tank, 3/8” FRL and high Cv pneumatic valves for dependable high speed switching and
•Lexan® panels and doors equipped with safety switches.
•Two drives : one (1) for infeed conveyor, and one (1) for Outfeed Conveyors.
•Optional : Magnets, additional drives (for different Outfeed Conveyor speeds).
Vertical Selector Switch
Our Vertical Selector Switch is used to switch Pans, Lids, Trays, Baskets or Products from one Conveyor Line into two or three superposed (same vertical plane) receiving lines. This type of switch is generally used when the selection of the receiving conveyor lines is made prior to the
The switch consist of one (1) Switching Frame into which is mounted a conveyor with an extended tail shaft, acting as the pivot. The switching is done by a pneumatic cylinder mounted under or over the conveyor. The conveyor is not included and should be selected for the specific application.
Configuration according to your layout (Elevation In & Out)