AMX PTM-D15 O F E S S I O N a L S E R V I C E S G R O U P, Expert Solutions, Core Competencies

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Audiovisual and energy management control systems are more complex than ever. The integration of traditional systems with network-based capabilities and subsystems are increasingly sophisticated. No matter the application, commercial or residential, achieving success for your business requires a highly skilled staff or a trusted partner to assist your needs. There is no better solution than AMX Professional Services Group (PSG). We do this for a living.


PSG is staffed with industry leading, network skilled control system professionals. Our mission is to provide our customers the critical services needed in the design, development, and provisioning of world-class control systems for commercial and residential markets. PSG maintains a team of professionals with over 100 years of collective experience in the delivery of control solutions. This deep knowledge base represents a competitive advantage for your business. Our proven business processes and methodologies for control solution design and implementation are valuable additions to a company’s practices, allowing for greater focus on strategic business. Combine this with our core competencies and services, and your range of control solutions become limitless.


PSG’s abilities to provide world-class solutions are supported by our vast knowledge of the control industry. Couple this with a broad skill base and you have what it takes to be successful at designing and delivering on project commitments.

A sampling of PSG’s core competencies include:

A/V System Design Review

Control System Installation and Configuration

Control Module/Device Driver Development

Control System Design

NetLinx/Axcess Programming

Touch Panel Design

Project Management

Installation and Integration


Having all the right skills is only a piece of the solution. In order to be recognized as world class, a company must be able to deliver this knowledge in a tangible fashion. At AMX, the PSG team has developed a set of services that compliments our core competencies, allowing us to bring control solutions to fruition.

Today these service offerings include:

Request for Quote Response (Control Hardware and Software)

Control System Design and Documentation

Project Management

User Interface Design

Programming (Touch Panel, Control Logic and Web application integration)

Integrated Testing and Quality Assurance

System Installation and Commissioning

On-Site Services


PSG provides services throughout North America, with system designers and programmers available at AMX Headquarters and Direct Offices. To find out more about how the PSG team can assist you with our value added services, please contact the nearest AMX location.

AMX Headquarters

3000 Research Drive Richardson, Texas 75082 800.432.6943

AMX East

108 Welsh Road Horsham, PA 19044 800.462.6946

AMX West

3187 H Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 800.562.6956


Website / Professional Services

For more information about AMX products and services visit

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION © 2003 AMX Corporation. All rights reserved. AMX and the AMX logo are all trademarks of AMX Corporation.


AMX reserves the right to alter specifications without notice at any time. AMX does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions.


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Contents Product Catalog Modero Touch Panels NXT-CV17 O D E R O W I D E S C R E E N T O U C H P a N E L SNXD-CV17 NXT-CA15 O D E R O T O U C H P a N E L SNXT-CV15 NXD-CV15NXD-CV12 NXT-CV12NXT-CA12 NXD-CA12NXT-CV7 Touch Panels FG2258-01K O D E R O W I D E S C R E E N T O U C H P a N E LNXT-CV7 NXD-CV7 Touch Panels FG2258-02KMVP-8400 O D E R O V I E W P O I N T T O U C H P a N E L SFG5965-02 Front Buttons 9 programmable buttons MVP-7500Font Panel One MVP-BP PS4.4 StylusMVP-WDS D E R O V I E W P O I N T a C C E S S O R I E SMVP-TDS FG5965-10CC-USB MVP-KSMVP-BP MVP-STYLUSNXT-BP D E R O T O U C H P a N E L a C C E S S O R I E SNXA-AVB NXA-BASE/BNXA-CFTP256M NXT-CHGNXA-CFTP128M CB-TP17TP4-VID U C H P a N E L I N T E R F a C ENXP-TPI/4 TP4-RGBI / 4 a C C E S S O R I E S ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels O D E R O V I E W P O I N T T O U C H P a N E L S MVP-7500 D E R O V I E W P O I N T a C C E S S O R I E S MVP-KS VPN-CP E W P O I N T T O U C H P a N E L SVPT-CP E W P O I N T T O U C H P a N E L a C C E S S O R I E S A Y W I R E L E S S R E C E I V E RG3 Touch Panels O L O R G R a P H I C a C T I V E T O U C H P a N E L S AXM-CV10 O L O R V I D E O a C T I V E T O U C H P a N E L SAXT-CV10 AXD-CV10/PBO L O R a C T I V E T O U C H P a N E L S Applications O U C H P a N E L a C C E S S O R I E SFG074 AC-CV6T O L O R a C T I V E V I D E O T O U C H P a N E L SAXD-CV6 CB-CV6AXD-MCP O L O R P a S S I V E T O U C H P a N E L SAXT-MCP FG925-20FG925-41White FG925-61Black FG925-81Ivory AXD-MCP/PBAXM-MCP FG925-90BlackFG925-91Black AXM-MCP/PBCB-MTP FG027-10FG5921-30 AXT-CP4/AFG5921-31 Platinum AC-CP4A/WRB AXD-CP4/ACB-CP4/A AXD-CP4 AXT-CP4CB-CP4 TP3-RGB AXB-TPI/3TP3-VID TP3-VGAPTM-D15 O U C H M O N I T O RFG5976-68 VTM-D15/AS U L T I M E D I a T O U C H M O N I T O R S Y S T E M SFG5976-70 Remote Controls AXR-MSE P R E S E N T E R R E C E I V E R SP R E S E N T E R T R a N S M I T T E R S TXC-MSTXC16+ C + R E M O T E STXC4+ TXC4L+AXR-IR+ NWA-EXTAXR-IRSM+ IRX-DM+Keypads PLK-DMS S K E Y P a D SK E Y P a D S PLK-SBAXD-MSP32 R E D K E Y P a D SAXD-MSP8 FG790-32 White FG790-33 Black FG790-34 IvoryPLK-MSP32 PLK-MSP8PLK-MSP16 R E D P a N E L S N I L C D P a N E L SAXP-AI8 S T O M P a N E L I N T E R F a C E SNXP-CPI16 AXP-CPIWPD8 AXP-CPILWpdr NetLinx Controllers NI-3000 T L I N X I N T E G R a T E D C O N T R O L L E R SNI-2000 FG2105-01Other Features Weight Without ProcessorNXC-ME260 R DD U L E S NXFAvailable NetLinx Control Cards include NXF-MINIFG2104 Mounting OptionsNXC-VAI4 T L I N X C O N T R O L C a R D SNXC-I/O10 FG2021NXC-REL10 NXC-VOL4NXC-COM2 NXC-IRS4NXC-HE T L I N X H U B C a R D S a N D M O D U L E SNXC-NH NXC-HSEXA NXS-MHSNXS-NMS NCKFG840-K16 NI-CPNWVPX-CPNI FG841-K1-304FG841-K1-418 FG841-K1-315FG841-K1-433 NetLinx Peripherals / Software T L I N X P L a T I N U M S E R I E S S O L U T I O N S FG3000-21 MeetingManager NSS-MMSVFG3001-21 FG070-516T L I N X I N T E R N E T I N S I D E S O L U T I O N S PCLink/Presentation ControlMacroManager FG070-522 Control System Accessories P U T S E N S O R S NXA-MPS16F U I P M E N T P R O T E C T I O NNXA-UPS9510 NXA-TSJ45PC1 N T a C T C L O S U R E I N T E R F a C E SAV2SM PC2S T E M T O O L S W E R S U P P L I E SPS-PT2 PSN6.5PS2.8 and PSN2.8 PS-24VACU N T I N G H a R D W a R E VST-TTM VST-MVRTVST-DIST VST-TRHIntegrated Content Servers X I N T E G R a T E D M U S I C S E R V E R M a X I M S MAX-IMSX I N T E G R a T E D M U S I C S E R V E R M a X B M S MAX-BSMX M U L T I M E D I a S E R V E R M a X M M S Mechanical Features DimensionsMAX-MMS MAX-AVM AUDIO/VIDEO FeaturesFG2178-50 Lighting X I N C O N C E R T W I T H L U T R O N RDA-ENC4 D I a L I G H T I N G C O N T R O L E N C L O S U R E SRDA-ENC2 RDA-ENC6D I a C O N T R O L C a R D S T E G R a T E D D I M M E R M O D U L E SD I a D I M M E R M O D U L E S D I a S W I T C H M O D U L E S O D I M M E R K I T S M M E R a C C E S S O R I E S Camera Controllers AXP-CCS M E R a C O N T R O L L E R SAXP-PLV FG5630-80AXM-CCS Weight 2.43 lbs 1.1 Kg Power 12 VDC 125 mAFG630-35 S I T R a C K P a N / T I L T H E a D S M E R a C O N T R O L a C C E S S O R I E SAxcess Controllers E W P O I N T X P R E S S 1 W a Y E W P O I N T X P R E S S 2 W a YR E L E S S S Y S T E M S C E N T 3 & a X C E N T 3 P R OAXB-EM232 C E S S C a R D F R a M E SAxcent 3 PRO AXF-M/SAXB-SPE AXF-MINIAXB-MPE+ AXC-EM C E S S P R O C E S S O R C a R D SC E S S D a T a C O N T R O L C a R D S AXC-SAXC-SMP AXC-IR/SAXC-MIDI AXC-INP8AXC-REL14 D I O C O N T R O L C a R D SAXC-REL8 AXC-SAVAXC-VAI2 L T a G E R a M P C a R D SAXC-PTI AXC-VG24AXC-TEMP E C I a L a P P L I C a T I O N C a R D SAXC-EXTN FG760AXB-DTMF+ T a C O N T R O L L E R SAXB-232++ AXB-DMX512AXB-TC AXB-MIDIAXB-PCCOM AXB-TCRFG5690 AXB-TM5AXB-TMC FG689-01AXB-VOL3 T a C O N T R O L L E R SA U D I O C O N T R O L L E R SAXB-TMX+ FG689AXB-REL8 AXB-SLD N T a C T C L O S U R E S C O N T R O L L E R SFG5774 FG5777-10 Landmark Controllers N D M a R K M a S T E R C a R D S N D M a R K C a R D F R a M E SN D M a R K C O N T R O L C a R D S N D M a R K E X P a N S I O N F R a M E N D M a R K H U B a N D a V M a T R I X C a R D S N D M a R K B U S B O X C O N T R O L L E RN D M a R K K E Y P a D S FG2405-20N D M a R K R E C E I V E R S PMB-RFN E M a S Y S T E M S M M O D U L E SKits SAM-IRMX Controllers MX3 S I N G L E P R O J E C T O R C O N T R O L L E R SMX2 MX4A N S M I T T E R S O N L Y A C C E S S O R I E STraining Learning Opportunities X U N I V E R S I T YAvailable Courses Classroom Learning for intermediate level AMX Programmers Classroom Learning for Designers of AMX User InterfacesPrerequisite AMX Programmer Certification Professional Services O F E S S I O N a L S E R V I C E S G R O U P Expert SolutionsService Offerings Core Competencies