Information capacity, measured in bits per second, that a channel can transmit. The bandwidth of Ethernet is 10Mbps, the bandwidth of Fast Ethernet is 100Mbps.
Baud Rate
The switching speed of a line. Also known as line speed.
The BOOTP protocol allows you to automatically map an IP address to a given MAC address each time a device is started. In addition, the protocol can assign the subnet mask and default gateway to a device.
A device that interconnects local or remote networks no matter what higher level protocols are involved. Bridges form a single logical network, centralizing network administration.
A message sent to all destination devices on the network.
Broadcast Storm
Multiple simultaneous broadcasts that typically absorb available network bandwidth and can cause network failure.
Console Port
The port on the Switch accepting a terminal or modem connector. It changes the parallel arrangement of data within computers to the serial form used on data transmission links. This port is most often used for dedicated local management.
Channel access method used by Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 standards, in which devices transmit only after finding the data channel clear for some period of time. When two devices transmit simultaneously, a collision occurs and the colliding devices delay their retransmissions for a random amount of time.
Data Center Switching
The point of aggregation within a corporate network where a switch provides high performance access to server farms, a
A LAN specification developed jointly by Xerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation. Ethernet networks operate at 10Mbps using CSMA/CD to run over cabling.