+Model DE-824TP Ethernet Hub
The connector numbered as Port 1 is equipped with a switch labeled “Uplink” When the Uplink switch is in the “off (tall) position, the Port 1 connector is wired “straight” to the supporting circuitry, and Port 1 is then identical with each of the twenty-three other numbered ports. When the Uplink switch is in the “on” (depressed) position, a pin inter- change is switched into the wiring for the Port 1 connector, to provide a cross-over, and thus allow use of a straight cable to make a hub-to-hub connection.
Below in this manual, the term “Uplink selected” will mean, as to the Model DE-824TP Ethernet Hub in question, that the subject connection is made through Port 1 and the Uplink switch is in its “on” (depressed) position.
Rules for Using the Uplink Feature
Uplink should never be selected for a station cable connection. And Uplink should never be selected for a hub-to-hub connection through a crossover cable (because the crossover in the connector wiring would cancel out the crossover in the cable).
Uplink should be selected only for making a hub- to-hub connection with a straight cable. When Uplink is selected at one end of a straight cable, Uplink must not be selected at other end of that cable. (If Uplink were selected at both ends of a straight cable, then the built-in crossovers of the