Documentation and Tools CD-ROM
The Documentation and Tools CD-ROM bundled with each switch contains the complete documentation set for AT-8600 Series switches and their expansion options, as well as tools to manage the switch.
The documentation and tools CD-ROM includes:
■This Installation & Safety Guide, which also provides safety and statutory information for the AT-8600 Series switch and its expansion options.
■The AT-8600 Series Hardware Reference, which provides detailed information on the switch unit and its hardware features.
■The AT-8600 Series Software Reference, which provides detailed information on configuring the switch unit and its software.
■The AT-A45/xx Series, AT-A46, and AT-A47 Expansion Modules Installation Guide, which outlines the procedure for installing expansion modules, and provides technical specifications for the modules.
■AT-TFTP Server for Windows for downloading software releases.
■How To notes, white papers, Visio Stencils, and information about related Allied Telesis products.
■MIBs supported by the switch
■Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing online documentation.