ADC MLN7400 manual Opennice32 Installation, OPENice32, Connecting EVB7400 and PC

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Chapter 5 Opennice32 Installation


Chapter 5 Opennice32 Installation


The OPENice32 can also be connected with the EVB7400 as a debugging system for software applications development. OPENice32 is a JTAG-based, nonintrusive, debugging system for ARM-based controllers or processors. JTAG provides the interface between a debugger and the ARM-based controller development board.

To use the OPENice32, the following additional equipment are required:


-14-way ribbon cable

-9-pin RS232 cable or parallel cable

-5 V DC (Max. 3A) power supply

5.2Connecting EVB7400 and PC

The OPENice32 should be connected to the EVB7400's JTAG Port (J3) via a 20-way cable, and to the host PC via a 9-pin RS232 serial or parallel cable.

To power on the OPENice32, DC 5 V power supply is required.



5.3Powering up the Board and OPENice32

We recommend that you power on the EVB7400 before the OPENice32 is powered on. In this way, the system initialization and memory configuration for EVB7400 performed by the Boot Code can be completed first.

Otherwise, it may cause the failure of code download via JTAG.

User’s Manual V.0.10


Copyright © 2004 MCS LOGIC Limited. All rights reserved

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Contents Version December 31 MCS Logic Inc MLN7400 Evaluation Board ManualCost Effective Network Processor for TCP/IP with ARM7TDMI Copyright 2003 MCS LOGIC Limited. All rights reservedEVB7400 Revision HistoryRevision Description Version3/36 Table of Contents 4.2.1Downloading Binary Image 4.2.2EVB7400 BLOCK DIAGRAM BLOCK DIAGRAM TOP VIEWPROPERTIES SETTING PAGE CHOOSE SETTING PAGEFi gu re Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 System Requirements ADDRESS 1.2 Board Components Fi gu re 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM TOP VIEWA Flash ROM External Timer0 Clock External Interrrupt KeyChapter 2 Board Configuration 2.2 Boot ROM and ROM Bank0 length Selection SW22.1 Endian Selection SW1 2.3 NAND FLASH2.4 GPIO Setting 128-TQFP/ 144 -LQFP Common I/O144 -LQFP Extended I/O 선택적으로 사용3.2 Connection Method for UTP Cable Chapter 3 Setup EVB7400 Environments3.1 Ethernet 10/100 BASE-T Connector Fi gu re 4 UTP CABLE CONNECTION Chapter 4 Connection Configurations for Debug Console 4.1 Configuration the Hyper Terminal4.2 Downloading Binary Image and Flash Write 4.2.1 Downloading Binary Image2. Type “8” at Flash Program Menu and type address to download 3. select the Send File from the Transfer menu File Name Select the file name, which you want too downloadProtocol Select the Xmodem or 1K Xmodem 4. Click Ok Then, the file that you selected will be downloaded4.2.2 Flash Write Chapter 5 Opennice32 Installation 5.2 Connecting EVB7400 and PC5.3 Powering up the Board and OPENice32 5.1 OPENice32Chapter 6 EVB7400 1.0 Schemetic and BOM 6.1 EVB7400 BOMGEOMETRY COUNT22/36 23/36 6.2 EVB7400 Schematic MLN7400EV BLOCK DIAGRAMMLN7400 Evaluation Board Endian Setting OPTIONALLITTLE SYSTEM CLOCKMLN7400P128TQFP JUMP IIC EEPROM SPI EEPROMExternal Interrupt Test EXTINTFLASH MLN7400ENBANK2 SDRAM BANKpins 0f AC101L pin32 0f AC101LPlace close to Place close toUART0 UART1UART2 UART3BANK3 PCMCIA INTERFACEJTAG CONNECTOR POWER LEDRESET SYSTEM 7 Pin GroundIIC & SPI HEADERDATA HIGH SPEEDEnable DisableMUTE JACKAOUTR AOUTLAOUTR S AOUTL SNANDFlash MLN7400