The monetary sign, secondary sign, and decimal places options are used in conjunction with option 42. Refer to the Packet Reference Manual for more information.
The settings for Monetary Sign, Secondary Sign, Slashed Zero, and Decimal Places are applied when a format is downloaded. Changing the settings does not affect batches already in the printer.
M o n e t a r y S i g n
You can also select None if you do not want a monetary sign to print in price fields. The monetary signs available for 15 countries are shown in the table below.
Country | Currency | Description |
USA | $ | dollar |
UK | £ | pound |
Japan | ¥ | yen |
Germany | 1 | deutsche mark |
France | F | franc |
Spain | P | peseta |
Italy | L. | lira |
Sweden | Kr | krona |
Finland | 2 | markka |
Austria | 6 | schilling |
India | Rs | rupee |
Russia | 3 | ruble |
Korea | 4 | won |
Thailand | 5 | baht |
China | ¥ | yuan |
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