Priority Level | Traffic Type |
0 | Best Effort |
1 | Background |
2 | Standard (spare) |
3 | Excellent Effort (business critical) |
4 | Controlled Load (streaming multimedia) |
5 | Video (Interactive media), less than 100 milliseconds |
| latency and jitter. |
6 | Voice (Interactive voice), less than 10 milliseconds |
| latency and jitter. |
7 | Network Control Reserved traffic |
The traffic prioritization feature supported by the Switch is compatible with the relevant sections of the IEEE 802.1D standard (incorporating IEEE 802.1p).
2Activity/Link/Speed Status LEDs
The top row of Status LEDs, labelled “Link/Activity,” show the link and activity status of the related ports:
Status | Meaning |
On | The link has been established. |
Flashing | Packets are being received or transmitted on the port. |
Off | If the link has not been established, either nothing is con- |
| nected to the port, or there is a problem: |
■Check that the attached device is powered on.
■Check that the cable is the correct type and is not faulty.
If these checks do not identify the cause of the problem, it may be that the unit or the device connected to the port is faulty. Contact your supplier for further advice.
Green | The link is operating at 1000 Mbps. |
Yellow | The link is operating at 10 or 100 Mbps. |
3Duplex Status LEDs
The second row of Status LEDs, which are colored yellow, show the duplex status of the related ports:
Status | Meaning |
On Yellow | The port is operating in full duplex mode. |
Off | The port is operating in half duplex mode. |
4Power LED
The Power LED shows the power status of the Switch:
Status | Meaning | |
| |
On Green | The unit is powered on and ready for use. | |
Off | ■ | The unit is not receiving power: |
| ■ | Check that the power cord is connected correctly. |
| ■ | If the unit still does not operate, contact your supplier. |
Rear Panel Connections
5Power Supply
The Baseline 8 Port Gigabit Switch automatically adjusts to the supply voltage. Only use the power cord that is supplied with the unit.
Positioning the Switch
When deciding where to position the Baseline 8 Port Gigabit Switch ensure:
It is accessible and cables can be connected easily.
Cabling is away from sources of electrical noise. These include lift shafts, microwave ovens, and air conditioning units. Electromagnetic fields can interfere with the signals on copper cabling and introduce errors, therefore slowing down your network.
Water or moisture cannot enter the case of the unit.
Air flow around the unit and through the vents in the side of the case is not restricted (3Com recommends that you provide a minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) clearance).
The air is as free from dust as possible.
Temperature operating limits are not likely to be exceeded. It is recommended that the unit is installed in a clean, air conditioned environment.
It is always good practice to wear an
Rack Mounting or Free Standing
This unit can be mounted in a
The unit is supplied with four
Do not apply the pads if you intend to rack mount the unit.
CAUTION: If installing the Baseline 8 Port Gigabit Switch in a free standing stack of different size SuperStack II or SuperStack 3 units, the smaller units must be installed above the larger ones. Do not build a free standing stack of more than six units.