Sagem 700 manual Environment, Packaging, Batteries, The product

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Preservation of the environment is an essential concern of Sagem Communication. The desire of Sagem Communication is to operate systems observing the environment and consequently it has decided to integrate environmental performances in the life cycle of its products, from manufacturing to commissioning, use and elimination.


The presence of the logo (green dot) means that a contribution is paid to an approved national organisation to improve packaging recovery and recycling infrastructures.

To facilitate recycling, please respect the sorting rules set up locally for this kind of waste.


If your product contains batteries, they must be disposed of at appropriate collection points.

8.3.The product

The crossed-out waste bin stuck on the product or its accessories means that the product belongs to the family of electrical and electronic equipments.

In this respect, the European regulations ask you to dispose of it selectively:

• "At sales points in the event of the purchase of similar equipment.

"At the collection points made available to you locally (drop-off centre, selective collection, etc.).

In this way you can participate in the re-use and upgrading of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste, which can have an effect on the environment and human health.


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Contents User Guide Recommendations and safety instructions INTRODUCTIONCONTENTS CONTENTS Appendix1.1.MAIN FEATURES 1. Your Wi-FiIP RadioYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO 1.2.UNPACKINGYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO 1.3.FRONT PANEL1.4.KEYPAD AREA STOP Power 4-directioncontrol OK button SNOOZEPower switch DC power jack Reset button 1.5.REAR PANELYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO WiFi antenna connector RJ45 port Status LED1.6.KEYPAD FUNCTIONS YOUR WI-FI IP RADIO1.6.1.Installing the batteries YOUR WI-FI IP RADIO1.7.WI-FI IP RADIO SET-UP YOUR WI-FI IP RADIOYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO A For the Selection Screen & Playback screenYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO RIGHTYOUR WI-FI IP RADIO DOWNSetup MENU STRUCTUREAlarm Internet Radio2.1.NETWORK SETUP INSTALLATION2.INSTALLATION 2.1.1.Basic Requirements2.1.2.Configuration as a Wireless Client INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION Screen on theINSTALLATION continuedINSTALLATION B Manually set to the Wireless Client Mode2.1.3.Configuration as a Wired Client INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION Initial screenINSTALLATION B Manually set to the Wired Client Mode2.1.4.Configuration as a Wireless Access Point AP INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION Manually set to the Wireless AP Mode continuedINSTALLATION Manually set to the Wireless AP Mode continuedand click on this program to activate it INSTALLATIONStep 2 Activate the Media Player INSTALLATION The following screen will be displayedINSTALLATION You can put all of the music files in the D \Music directory to be able to add the folder to the share listINSTALLATION Step 5 Share the WMP11 media libraryINSTALLATION The following dialog windows will be displayedNext, press OK to exit INSTALLATIONStep 6 Manage the media sharing settings INSTALLATION Step 7 Authorize access from your IP Radio deviceINSTALLATION Click on the Allow buttonINSTALLATION Please follow the instructions belowINSTALLATION Select the appropriate one for your computer. You may wish to put all of the music files in the directory D \Music, in which case you can select Let me choose which folders to add the folder to the share listINSTALLATION Select the device and then click on the Allow button3.1.LISTENING TO INTERNET RADIO LISTENING TO MUSIC3.LISTENING TO MUSIC LISTENING TO MUSIC Initial screenresearch LISTENING TO MUSICalphabetical 3.2.LISTENING TO FM RADIO LISTENING TO MUSICLISTENING TO MUSIC button3.3.LISTENING TO THE MUSIC IN YOUR COMPUTER LISTENING TO MUSICScreen shot LISTENING TO MUSICScreen on the Next screenLISTENING TO MUSIC button3.4.LISTENING TO THE MUSIC ON YOUR USB DRIVE LISTENING TO MUSICLISTENING TO MUSIC Fast forward/backward in the file 10 S step3.5.THE PLAYBACK SCREEN LISTENING TO MUSIC4.1.1.Setting the Clock Manually ALARM4.ALARM 4.1.CLOCKALARM 4.1.2.Setting the Clock Automatically4.2.ALARM SETTINGS ALARM OK buttonALARM Alarm information, displayed for 3~5 seconds4.3.SNOOZE ALARM5.1.BACKLIGHT SETTINGS MISCELLANEOUS SETUP FUNCTIONS5.MISCELLANEOUS SETUP FUNCTIONS 5.2.LANGUAGE CHOICE5.5.CLEAR FAVORITES 5.3.EQUALIZER SETTINGS5.4.RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS MISCELLANEOUS SETUP FUNCTIONSUpgrading the Firmware on your Device 5.6.CHECK FIRMWARE VERSION 5.7.SOFTWARE UPDATIONMISCELLANEOUS SETUP FUNCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS SETUP FUNCTIONS Step 4 You can check whether the IP Radio upgrade has been has been successful by checking the F/W version in the menu Setup\Advanced Setup\Firmware Version. In this case, the version should be R1.02C7. If a different version number is shown, there may have been a problem during the upgrade6.Appendix 6.1.Care and Maintenance6.2.Problems APPENDIXProblem of the connexion to APPENDIXONLY TWO BARS IN THE RADIO APPENDIXONLY ONE BAR IN THE RADIO ONLY THREE BARS IN THE RADIOHardware and Port Characteristic SPECIFICATIONS7.SPECIFICATIONS Device Management CharacteristicMain Audio Characteristic SPECIFICATIONS8.1.Packaging ENVIRONMENT8.ENVIRONMENT 8.2.BatteriesWARRANTY 9.GUARANTEE TERMS AND CONDITIONSSagem Communication 27, rue Leblanc - 75512 PARIS CEDEX 15 - FRANCE