Figure 3-5. Authentication - LEAP
-WPA /
-WPA2 /
•Encryption – Configure the encryption. For open and shared authentication mode, the selection options are None and WEP. For WPA, WPA2,
-None – No encryption is used.
-WEP – Enables the Wireless USB Adapter to use WEP shared keys. If enabled, you must configure at least one key. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) provides a basic level of security, preventing unauthorized access to the network and encrypting data transmitted between wireless clients. WEP uses static shared keys
-TKIP – Use Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) keys for encryption. WPA specifies TKIP as the data encryption method to replace WEP. TKIP avoids the problems of WEP static keys by dynamically changing data encryption keys.
-AES – Use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) keys for encryption. WPA2 uses AES
Click OK to confirm the configuration or click Cancel to cancel the settings.
•802.1X — Use IEEE 802.1X (802.1X) for user authentication and distributing dynamically generated encryption keys. IEEE 802.1X is a standard framework for