Instruction Leaflet 30-470 (E)
Page 4
General Description |
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CSA Standard C22.2 No. |
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switch as, “self acting equipment for transferring one or more load |
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conductor connections from one power source to another.” |
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“Transfer” switch type A means an automatic transfer switch that |
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does not employ integral overcurrent devices”. ‘Transfer switch, type B | Type LRO | |
means an automatic switch that (does) employ integral overcurrent | ||
| ||
protection”. Westinghouse Robonic automatic transfer switches are |
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available in both types. Robonics in type A are equipped with special |
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instantaneous magnetic only breakers. The trip settings of these |
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special breakers are set (and fixed) at higher than standard values so |
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that they will trip only if the upstream circuit protective device trips. |
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Incorporating these special magnetic only breakers, a type A Robonic |
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operates in exactly the same way as a transfer switch not having this |
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feature. In the event that both devices trip, (the upstream protective |
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device and the magnetic only breaker in the Robonic) the Robonics |
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control circuitry will automatically initiate transfer to the alternate |
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source. The transfer operation will reset the “tripped” magnetic only |
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breaker. |
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Information on interrupting, closing and withstand ratings, and |
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recommendations for maximum upstream protective devices for type |
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A Robonics, are given in tables 1, 2 and 3, on page 7. |
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Type B ‘Robonics’ are equipped with standard |
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breakers which will provide the required overload and short circuit |
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protection. Type B Robonics can also be built using Seltronic or SCB |
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breakers which could include ground fault tripping as well as overload |
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and short circuit. For application information or assistance with type B |
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Robonics, refer to Westinghouse. |
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The Robonic provides automatic transfer of an electrical load to a | Type RO | |
standby power supply in the event of drop or loss of voltage of any or |
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all phases of the normal power supply. Upon the restoration of the |
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normal supply, the electrical load is automatically retransferred to the |
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normal power supply. |
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The transfer motor utilizes the power from the source to which the |
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electrical load is being transferred. The mechanism provides a positive |
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mechanical interlock to prevent both breakers being closed at the |
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same time. The mechanism is also designed to leave both breakers trip |
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free in the closed position, permitting incorporation of thermal and |
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| ||
ampacity models, type RO and PRO, an alarm switch contact is |
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supplied. This contact is connected in the transfer motor circuit to lock |
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the motor circuit out of operation when the breaker(s) trip on an |
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overload or |
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manually reset. Instructions for the reset procedure are located on the |
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front of the operating mechanism. |
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Most of the control components are |
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replaced. |
1.Normal Source Connections
2.Emergency Source Connection
3.Load Connections
4.Neutral Connections
5. Control Panel | Type PRO |
6.Transfer Mechanism
7.Customer Connections
8.Control & Sensing Transformers
9.Transfer Motor
Mechanical Component Identification