| June 23, 2010 |
8.6 Verify Sectors (FN 04h)
This function shall be used to check the sectors in the specified range on the device for errors. No data is transferred between the host and device by this command.
Entry |
AH | 04h |
AL | Number of sectors to verify, shall be greater than 0 and less than 128 | |
CH | Low order 8 bits of the cylinder number | |
CL |
| Bit | Description |
| 7:6 | high order 2 bits of the cylinder |
| 5:0 | sector number |
DH Head number | ||
DL | BIOS device number | |
Exit |
Carry Clear | Function completed without error | |
| AH | Shall be cleared to zero |
| AL | Number of sectors verified |
Carry Set | Function completed with an error | |
| AH | Shall be set to the error code |
| AL | Vendor Specific |
34 | Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 |