If your communi- | ∙ Place the call again. You may have had | |
cations software is | a bad phone line or a bad connection. | |
reporting many | The telephone company routes all | |
Cyclic Redundancy | calls, even local calls, differently each | |
Check (CRC) errors | time you call. | |
and low Characters | ∙ Load the template that enables | |
Per Second (CPS). | hardware flow control as well as other | |
| optimal settings. Go into terminal mode | |
| (your communications software should | |
| let you switch to terminal mode) and: | |
| 1. Type AT&F1 | |
| 2. And then press the ENTER key. | |
| ∙ Try the Zmodem file transfer protocol. If | |
| that does not work, try Ymodem. (Only | |
| use Xmodem as a last resort.) | |
| |
During Fax Transmissions | ||
| |
If errors are | Type this initialization string in your | |
occurring in your | software initialization string screen: | |
V.17 (14.4) fax | $7+,56 | |
transmissions | ||
| ||
| (last character is zero) | |
30 Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual