Technical Reference
Typing Commands
In terminal mode, type commands in either upper or lower case, not a combination. Use the Backspace key to delete errors. You cannot delete the original AT command because it is stored in the modem buffer.
If a command has numeric options and you do not include a number, zero is assumed. For example, if you type ATB, the command ATB0 is assumed.
Every command except A/, +++, and A> must begin with the AT prefix and be entered by pressing ENTER.
The maximum command length is 58 characters. This does not include the AT prefix, carriage returns, or spaces.
All defaults are based on the &F1 Hardware Flow Control template loaded in NVRAM when the modem is shipped.
AT Command Set
A | Answer | |
> | Repeat Last command forever | |
Bn (0,1) | ||
D | Dial |
En (0,1) | Echo | |
Fn (0,1) | Duplex On/Off setting | |
Hn (0,1) | Offhook On/Off control | |
In (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10) | Inquiry | |
| I0 | Modem type |
| I1 | DSP checksum |
| I2 | Company & Product ID |
| I3 | Product Revision |
| I4 | Current Settings |
| I5 | Profile Settings |
| I6 | Connection Diagnostics |
| I7 | Configuration Profile |
| I8 | Blacklisting International only |
| I10 Plug and Play information | |
Ln (0,1,2,3) | Speaker volume. Note: assumes default = 2 (medium) | |
Mn (0,1,2,3) | Speaker control | |
On (0,1) | On line | |
P/T | Pulse/Tone dialing | |
Qn (0,1,2,3) | Quiet | |
Sr=n (0,1,...) | Set | |
Sr? | Query contents of S register | |
S$ | S register help screen | |
Vn (0,1) | Verbal/Numeric return result codes | |
Xn (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) | Result code options. | |
Yn (0,1,2,3,4) | NVRAM template for power up. | |
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