User Manual for the NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WG121
Note: As of the date of publication of this manual, the Windows XP HotFix #Q815485 can prevent wireless adapters from connecting to the Internet and prevent wireless adapters from reloading a working configuration after a restart of the computer. To see if HotFix #Q815485 is installed, look in Add Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel. If installed, remove it. Future updates to the Windows XP operating systems may correct this problem.
Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions
1.Symptom: (XP Professional and XP Home user only) Some WG121 XP users will experience inability to connect to the Internet, dropped wireless connections, or both after applying the Windows HotFix #Q815485 from the Windows XP Update Service.
Solution: You can delete the Q815485 from the "Add or Remove Program" utility in the Control Panel. (The Official name is "Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q815485")
Removal procedure:
a. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then
Add/Remove Programs.
b.Click Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q815485, and then click Remove.
c.You may receive an error message that states that some program on the computer may not work correctly if the update is removed.
d.You may ignore this error message, and then click Yes to remove the update.
e.Restart your computer and rerun the Smart Display Setup Wizard.
This should solve your connection issue.
You can restore this hotfix by following the link below:
URL: http://microsoft.com/downloads/
2.Question: The product literature says the WG121 can operate at 54 Mbps. Why do I see no more than 11 Mbps speed on my WG121 Smart Configuration Utility status line?
Answer: If you are connecting to an 802.11b network, the maximum 802.11b speed is 11 Mbps.
Basic Setup |