14.16.10 NAT
You can configure NAT parameters in nat menu.
>> virtual | Virtual IP address pool |
global | Global IP address pool |
fixed | Fixed IP address mapping |
The virtual menu contains range of virtual IP address, delete virtual IP address and show virtual IP address.
>> range | Edit virtual IP address pool |
delete | Delete virtual IP address pool |
list | Show virtual IP address pool |
You can create up to five virtual IP address pool ranges in range command.
Command: setup ip_share nat virtual range <1~5> <ip> <1~253>
Message: Please input the following information.
NAT local address range entry number <1~5>: 1
Base address:
Number of address: 49
You can delete virtual IP address range - from 1 to 5 - by using delete command.
You can view the virtual IP address range via list command.
To setup global IP address pool, move the cursor “>>” to global command and press enter.
>> range | Edit global IP address pool |
interface | Bind address pool to specific interface |
delete | Delete global IP address pool |
list | Show global IP address pool |
You can create five global IP address pool range via range command.
Command: setup ip_share nat global range <1~5> <ip> <1~253>
Message: Please input the following information.
NAT global IP address range entry number <1~5>: 1
Base address:
Number of address: 3
After configuring the global IP address range, you can bind the address pool to a specific interface via bind command.
Command: setup ip_share nat global interface <1~5> <1~8>
Message: Please input the following information.
NAT global address range entry number <1~5>: 1
Active interface number <1~8>: 1
You can delete global IP address range- from 1 to 5- by using delete command.
You can view the global IP address range via list command.
NB712 / | NB714 User Guide | 103 |
YML829 | Rev1 |